
Texto de Lisa_Summmers - English

  • About jobs 3

  • Soon Jane started to work.
  • Firstly it was necessary to take a three month internship.
  • Then if she was successful she would be offered to sign a contract with this school.
  • Jane got on fine.
  • She had a good class with very conscientious pupils.
  • It was a pleasure to teach them because they were quick on the uptake.
  • Besides, Jane fell in love with the head master.
  • Very soon they started dated and later they engaged.
  • Finally Jane found out that she was pregnant.
  • So she took maternity leave.
  • Every month she was given a maternity benefit.
  • The head master of the school who was her fiancé provided for her.
  • However Jane didn’t want to be dependent on him and his money.
  • So she was looking for a temporary job, which could be done at home.
  • She came across with lots of advertisements, which offered high-paid outside work.
  • But it was not an easy thing to find something that would suit Jane’s education.
  • At last she chose a corrector’s job.
  • It was offered by one of the popular magazines devoted to parents.
  • Such work was familiar to Jane because she got used to correct lots of tests at school.
  • Moreover it was interesting to correct articles about parents and problems with their children.
  • She learnt lot of useful advice from it.
  • In three years it was time for Jane to return to school, but she didn’t want to work there anymore and she decided to quit.
  • She liked working for the magazine so much that she didn’t want to give up this job.
  • Moreover they promised her a promotion.
  • Now Jane is still working for this magazine and now she is an editor-in-chief.
  • She misses those days when she used to work as teacher a bit, but her new job seems to her more interesting and creative and she says she will never give up it!

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English