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  • Traffic Problem

    • We have quite terrible a traffic problem for 2 days.
    • Last Saturday, when I left my course, I was able to arrive home end of the two hours.
    • We just lost maybe 1 hour on a small distance so we to folded 5 or 10 km in a hour.
    • Today it has same bad traffice problem.
    • I took my car at 7:20 am and I arrived to the Office at 9:00 am.
    • There was such a traffic accident, one car had an accident both driver and passenger saved a small scrapes.
    • And than o taxi driver who has driving fastly, directly burst through between the traffic policeman and healty persons who help to survivors.
    • So one policeman and one healty person has died.
    • Just think that, you go to help to someone and no death.
    • But when you get there you will die, but you don’t know that.

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