
NeilChen szövege - English

  • 200BC, How Chinese Met Iran? Part-2

  • Met Iran?
  • Part-2 However, 劉徹(Liu Che) didn't think so.
  • He would pay everything to gain the achievement.
  • He assembled all his courtiers and asked them who would like to be the ambassador to built a friendship between "大月氏" and Han.
  • After he seriously said, everyone became silent, and the court felt icy-cold.
  • It seemed that none want to take any risk for this tough mission.
  • Finally, a functionary, 張騫(Zhang Qian) took the mission.
  • When 劉徹(Liu Che) gave the 漢節(an important symbol, only for the ambassador of Han Empire, and it was also an equivalent of the dignity of Han Empire), 張騫(Zhang Qian) knew he was pushing himself into an unknown future but he would go ahead without fear.
  • No histories recorded anything about the childhood of 張騫(Zhang Qian) .
  • Only thing we knew was he came form 漢中(hanz hong), a city in the west of Han Empire ; which was in the southwest of Shaanxi province in Modern China.
  • Would his childhood ever live in the fear of wars?
  • Would he have any hatred to匈奴( Xiongnu)?
  • Or just perhaps for the patriotism?
  • Or just for revenge, like the emperor? We never knew.
  • It was the destiny, brought 張騫(Zhang Qian) into the West where was far from his hometown and family, where none of his people ever been.
  • And also, in order to reach 大月氏, 張騫(Zhang Qian) must pass the grand territory of their enemy, 匈奴( Xiongnu).
  • Doubtlessly, nothing can be ease without any risk.
  • Unfortunately, not long form his leaving from Han Empire, he was arrested by the soldiers of 匈奴( Xiongnu).
  • Many his attendants were killed, all gift to the king of 大月氏 were plundered but only the 漢節(an important symbol, only for the ambassador of Han Empire, and it is also an equivalent of the dignity of Han Empire) was kept by 張騫(Zhang Qian).
  • The soldiers of 匈奴( Xiongnu) threatened 張騫(Zhang Qian) to give them his 漢節 but 張騫(Zhang Qian) would rather die than gave 漢節 out.
  • The soldiers ridicule 張騫(Zhang Qian).