
Text från Comrad_Alexey - English

  • Fantasies about future of English

  • In 2050, I think, the amount of English speakers will increase.
  • But it would not be native speakers – it will be a lot of people from all over the world, who will study English as a second language for building their career.
  • They will resemble the nobles in Russian Empire, who used French oftener, than their native Russian.
  • Gradually, English will play the same role as Latin played in medieval Europe or Koine (Ancient Greek) in Hellenism era in Mediterranean.
  • Latin was a language of Church and Science all over the west world.
  • English will be the language of IT and business in all over the world.
  • If connection between English-speaking countries will break, could commence the process of dividing English into some different languages.
  • That was in the medieval Europe after crushing of the Roman Empire.
  • Relations between regions of former Empire weren’t supported any more, and in every separate region language was being developed in its own separate way.
  • As a result we have the Romanic language family.
  • If something similar will happen with English, we will have an Englic language family.