
Текст од NeilChen - English

  • Chinese characters

  • In the past 2000 years, Chinese characters just had her transformation,but not too much; therefore today we still can read and understand lots of ancient classic literature with some annotations.
  • The syntax still can be understood easily, and the characters are still as the same as the present ones.
  • Chinese character itself is also a kind of superb art.
  • Writing beautiful characters is essential skill for most litterateurs or poets in Old China.
  • Chinese characters are very interesting when they are combined with each other.
  • For example : 木= wood 林=grove 森=forest 火= fire 炎=scorching 燒=burn 氵or 水 or 川(ancient pattern) = water 河=river 海=ocean 汗=sweat 土= mud 地=land 堰=dam(wall built across a river to stop the water flowing) 金= mineral 金=gold 銀=silver 鐵=iron 鋼=steel 木(wood)火(fire)土(mud)金(metal)水(water), are five essential elements in the nature.
  • and they also become materials of poem, for examplel 煙 鎖 池 塘 柳 煙=fog (Noun/subject) 鎖=lock(vt) 池=lake (Noun) 塘=bank(Noun) 柳=willow(Noun/object) Answer: Fog locks the willows nearby banks of the lake. So 燈垂錦檻波=?
  • Most ancient Chinese came from real scenery or objects, so-called hieroglyph, and they also are still alive.