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  • Special Relativity Theory

    • When I talked with my friends about special Relativity, they told me this theory is very complex.
  • They know this theory as time traveling theory.
  • The science fiction moves use this theory as we can in the future travel in time.
    • From this theory Einstein can prove form the famous equation "E=MC^2" (Energy = Mass multiple by square of Speed of Light) that we can convert energy to mass and mass to energy.
  • It sound like confusing, but converting mass to energy is happening nowadays in nuclear reactors.
  • The nuclear fuel convert to a huge amount of energy.
    • There is a different between nuclear reaction and chemical reaction.
    • In chemical reaction there is no mass reduce.
    • I want to explain now, how can this theory make time travel as science fiction moves says.
  • Einstein in this theory told about the time compute by someone (observer) who observe something move nearly about speed of light differ to time at this thing.
    • From this calculation, he can compute the small different between the time computed by observer and the time computed in that thing such as a man look to airplane moves about speed of light (if I can move this airplane in this speed).
    • The time computed by the man is different of the time inside airplane moves in this incredible speed.
    • This time different is not imaginary, but it can be detected and used in nuclear particle accelerators (particle accelerators is device can gives accelerate speed to the particle such as electrons).
    • You may be wonder, I can computer time spend for electron in this device (particle accelerators), but time in electron itself!
  • The electron can’t compute time by itself while it moves.
  • Yes, you are true, the electron can’t compute time.
    • We compute the time required of electron to stay in its state before combine again with another atom in the rest (before put electrons in particle accelerator).
  • This calculation helps the scientists to compute and detect many useful information about particle.

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