
Text from THAODE - English

  • The value of travel

    • My biggest dream is becoming a tour guide.
    • There are 2 reasons to explain for this.
  • The first one: I love learning foreign languages.
  • I always have a serious thought in my mind: "The more languages you master, the more chances you get in the future".
    • The second is more important: I love traveling.
  • I want to have many chances to set foot on other lands in the world.
  • Above all, I know clearly about the value of travel.
  • One person once said: "Travel is a means of education". That's right.
    • Because the more lands you visist, the more knowledge you can acquire.
    • Each land has their own cultures, natural beauty.
  • Even if you can know them through books, radio news, television,.... you still can't know them as clearly as the native people living in those lands.
    • Traveling helps us feel the value of life directly with your own eyes.
  • You know, confidence is an important factor in someone's success.
  • Yet it takes time and patience for them to improve their confidence.
  • While traveling is considered as the most effective way for many people to improve their confidence.
  • During the time visiting other lands, they'll have many chances to make contact with others.
  • It's also a precious chance for them to learn how to use a new language fluently.
  • We can have further knowledge about the cultures through the way native people live, socialize,....
  • Traveling helps us see things with our own eyes.
  • Thus, we are able to make correct decisions and protect our own ideas in any arguments.
  • It also contributes to form your own self-belief.
  • I know that it takes time and a lot of money to travel anywhere so some people can't afford to do that despite their desire.
  • But, in my opinion, time and money spent on travel as a means of education is worth it.
  • ^^ (P/S: it's too long and boring for you to correct.
  • Sorry for this :(