
Texto de baal1013 - English

  • The Ministry of Rehabilitation

  • Since 2002, the Union of Pentecostal Churches RT has been serving people with ludomania, chemical and other addictions.
  • Spiritual help to individuals with drug and alcohol addiction is carried out in three ways: 1) Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Addiction - lectures on prevention of drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking and other chemicals in schools, orphanages, boarding schools within a program of the International Organization "ACET".
  • 2) Assistance in the social formation of persons with drug, alcohol addiction - the work is carried out in the centers "Life" and "There is Hope".
  • During 2012, about 225 people succeeded in the social formation, 30 people of them got free from their addictions and returned to their families or married, all found jobs.
  • 3) Working with co-addicts (relatives of addicts) – there is a helpline working round the clock and also they hold meetings with relatives of addicts.The center "Life" was opened in 2005 to help people with drug and alcohol addictions, and social adaptation of people without a permanent residence.Aleksey Nikitenko became the head of the center in 2007, who had successfully completed a rehabilitation course in the city of Samara.
  • To extend the ministry, we were looking for a second building.
  • Soon we found a suitable option in a village near Chelny.
  • Some rehabilitants moved there in 2010, and there was established a new center «There is Hope" at the same place with Galina Makarova being its head, who had completed a rehabilitation in Chelny.The main emphasis of our ministry in rehabilitation centers is a spiritual rebirth of an individual.
  • Spiritually regenerated man is a socially acceptable person.
  • Many of the former addicts who received freedom from drugs, now help others.
  • They work, participate in evangelistic projects like "Life without Drugs ", "One Year for Jesus”; they also conduct preventive lectures in schools, orphanages, drug-dispensaries.
  • They testify to drug addicts and alcoholics that there is hope for them, and that God is able to give them freedom and a new life.

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    • Spiritual help to individuals with drug and alcohol addiction is carried out in three ways: 1) Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Addiction - lectures on prevention of drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking and other chemicals in schools, orphanages, boarding schools within a program of the International Organization "ACET".
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    • During 2012, about 225 people succeeded in the social formation, 30 people of them got free from their addictions and returned to their families or married, all found jobs.
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    • 3) Working with co-addicts (relatives of addicts) – there is a helpline working round the clock and also they hold meetings with relatives of addicts.The center "Life" was opened in 2005 to help people with drug and alcohol addictions, and social adaptation of people without a permanent residence.Aleksey Nikitenko became the head of the center in 2007, who had successfully completed a rehabilitation course in the city of Samara.
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    • Some rehabilitants moved there in 2010, and there was established a new center «There is Hope" at the same place with Galina Makarova being its head, who had completed a rehabilitation in Chelny.The main emphasis of our ministry in rehabilitation centers is a spiritual rebirth of an individual.
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    • They work, participate in evangelistic projects like "Life without Drugs ", "One Year for Jesus”; they also conduct preventive lectures in schools, orphanages, drug-dispensaries.
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