
Texto de choquito123 - English

    • beginners

    • being an anvanced level means you don't need people to speak in spanish becouse you already have the skil to understand en english if you still need people speaks in spanish you aren't being an advanced level you are still being a begginer.
    • even thought you want to do a good speaker in english be dediceted and persitent person otherwise you never would get well level this is my advice for anyone who wants to speak english lenguage

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  • Sentença 1
    • being an anvanced level means you don't need people to speak in spanish becouse you already have the skil to understand en english if you still need people speaks in spanish you aren't being an advanced level you are still being a begginer.
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    • bBeing at an andvanced level means that you don't need people to speak to you in sSpanish becoause you already have the skills to understand en ethem speaking English i. If you still need people to speaks in sSpanish, you aren't beingat an advanced level; you are still being a begginner.
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  • Sentença 2
    • even thought you want to do a good speaker in english be dediceted and persitent person otherwise you never would get well level this is my advice for anyone who wants to speak english lenguage
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    • ¶even thought you want to do a good speaker iIf you want to become good at spoken eEnglish you must be dediceated and ¶persistent person, otherwise you will never would get well levelachieve a good level [of proficiency]. ¶¶tThis is my advice for anyone who wants to speak eEnglish. lenguage¶¶
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