
Tekst fra Juldyro - English

  • CAE- writing (part1)

    • I'm going to pass "CAE".
    • I haven't signed up yet.
  • Before I would like to practise some writing.
  • I know that my english isn't enough good yet to pass it.
  • Please, correct me.
  • Thank you for your help.
  • The subject of the writing is: "An English-speaking friend is doing some research on public transport around the world and has asked for a contribution from you.
    • Write a contribution for your friend's research explaining: *how important public transport is in your area *why people are willing or unwilling to use it * what you think should be done to improve public transport in your area." The public transport, including buses, trams, trains are one of the most popular means of transport in Poland.
    • Many people, especilly young students commute by bus every day.
  • It is the cheapest way to travel.
  • People don't have to pay for fuel or car repair.
  • What's more, the students and the children have a discount for a ticket.
  • The pensioners however travel for free.
    • Above all, when they travel by trams or trains, they didn't have to wait in traffic jam.
    • People using trams get to their destination faster than these who drive their own car.
    • The defender of the environment claim that public means of transport was reducing the quantity of pollution.
    • They add that the people using the public transport usually didn't have their own car.
    • The less car were in the world the less polluted the world were.