Texto de 55elena_jv -
February Trick
- This February played with us a kind of a joke.
- After very warm January, he brought us frosts and lots of snow.
- When no one has already expected winter has come.
- The temperature almost didn’t come out in plus, more than a week we had 10 C frosts and then we were literally covered with snow.
- The soil turned to stone, primroses prostrated in helplessness, my avocado tree has been covered by 3 blankets including mine own and even plumbing in my house frozen.
- The sea shore, however, represented an extremely entertaining picture.
- Beaches are covered by 20 cm layer of snow, there are people skated on sleds and tubes, even skiers were seen, and at the same time in the sea are surfers, who were attracted by northwest wind which gave good waves.
- So not in vain people were kept all this winter equipment - finally it came in handy!
- A week later there is still snow on a beach, although it is quickly melting under warm and already active February sun.
- Slopes of high shores are already partly laid bare the sand and looks like tempting tiramisu.
- And though there are still lots of snow, the picture is already different.
- Preponderance of spring warmth is feeling stronger and soon it will finally prevail.
- Actually, this winter wasn’t so bad at least it was unusual and diverse.
- Yet it is easy to say that while sitting on a sea stone under warm sunny rays when winter are almost already over.
- Anyway, now I’m happy with this warmth and coming spring and I could wish you just the same!
- 55elena_jv
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