
Text from 55elena_jv - English

  • As Much Daylight as Possible

    • After five days of completely cloudy, with the sky has been covering by inversion cloudiness within a radius of 500 km , the weather forecasters said that cloudy monotony will be continued for a long time yet.
    • If to be more precisely, I know that such weather will be until March.
    • Short cloudy and cool days are for at least nearest four moths.
  • It doesn’t sound pretty good, does it?
    • In this conditions I would like to behave as Arctic Tern.
    • This bird nests in polar regions (on islands and peninsulas of Northern Europe, Greenland, Siberia, Alaska, Canada) and winters they spend in Southern Hemisphere.
    • Due to these flights between Arctic and Antarctic the bird each year sees two summers - arctic and antarctic.
    • While I’ve been swimming in the cold Baltic Sea almost in darkness, Arctic Tern does the same and sees more daylight then any other living being.
    • I found out about Arctic Tern while I answer to questions of demo version of Geographical Dictation.
    • Geographical Dictation is annual educational event which hac been organizing by Russian Geographical Society since 2015.
  • You can participate in it both offline and online.
    • This year I first time going to visit it offline.
    • There will be bonus for participants - free entrance in the museum after the dictation.
    • So the Saturday are going to be nice.