從Lesnik2021來的文本 - English

    • The drop of water

  • The tap was dripping.
  • I looked closer to study the way the drops were falling.
    • The faucet hole was emply at first, then the water slowly filled that space, accumulated there and under the influence of gravity was pulled down.
    • The drop stretched down until it detached from the faucet and the water sphere fell down.
    • As it was falling, the surface of the drop was fluctuating as it was in the state of free fall.
    • It took the drop around 0,5 second to reach the bottom of the bath, but during its fall there was such a shining, as it it was a diamond.
    • The reflected light made the moving drop look so beautiful, that if we could slow down time we would get a view of the drop shimmering with all the colours.

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