
Texto de Invir - English

  • Alexandra. A science fiction story. Part V

    • During the three days of the ship acceleration, Alexandra had integrated into our small team very quickly, as if she had been flying with us all her life.
  • You know, there are people you meet once, but it seems like you’ve known them all your life.
    • Alexandra took in all details quickly, demonstrating phenomenal ability to learn.
  • During the second acceleration she piloted the ship herself.
  • The XO and I just kept an eye on the process.
  • It as if she was born with the wheel of a spaceship in her hands.
  • I watched how worried she was, the expression of stubbornness on her face, and the way she smelt the air.
  • I look back at all this now.
  • She looked completely human... nothing to see here.
  • There was nothing artificial or inhuman about her.
  • Of course, I do understand that AI technology is not standing still but my heart cannot take it.
  • Without these state quota of job position for humans, the XO and I would not have stayed in the fleet for long.
  • Robots work much faster than humans do.
  • They don’t get sick and are quite easy to repair.
  • They can work 24/7.
  • Robots that are beyond repair are easily written off.