
Text from Invir - English

  • Alexandra A science fiction story. Part I

  • She waited patiently for me to sign the papers.
    • She traced her index finger across the armrest, half-smiling softly about something of her own.
  • She was short, with a long, thick, golden braid thrown over her shoulder and a slim, almost boyish figure, clad in a half-baggy space fleet uniform.
  • The dreamy gaze of her velvety eyes was directed to the side.
  • For the rest of my life, I will remember her as a fragile girl with freckles on her lovely nose and a friendly smile.
    • The way she’d look at me through her long thick eyelashes… With all this, she looked like the girl next door whom I’ll never be able to forget...
    • When she walked next to me to the service lock of the ship, carrying her suitcase on wheels, she limped slightly, and I thought she developed a blister on her heel.
  • The youngsters, upon graduation from college, are supposed to have everything new – shoes, uniforms, and underwear.
  • I kind of lost sight of the fact that she should have been an intern on the star ship’s bridge, not somewhere on the decks as junior staff.
  • She should have had some experience and well-worn things.
  • I was secretly glad to see her.
  • You see, only the XO and I are human in my team.
  • The rest are all AI dummies.