

Text from Loreina - English

  • An essay

  • I was born into a conservative, religious family, born to treat all people kindly and kindly, and because my family was a religious family, I sought to do good in all its forms.
    • I grew up in this family and learned from it all good morals and good treatment.
  • It did not occur to me then that some moral standards could be It is subject to the criteria of interest and liquidation, and most morals and transactions are like this and extend to a country, society, or even a family.
  • My relationship with my parents was completely subject to this standard, and the most important thing for me was honesty in this approach.
    • I grew up and moved to high school.
    • My life was going slowly and smoothly, and I did not have any difficult problems in my life.
    • The idealism and calm my life displayed made me believe that I would be able to obtain everything I wished for and hoped for in my life.
    • Days passed and the time came when I moved to the university, and entering the university was something that had a happy impact on my life.
    • To feel that you are close to achieving your dreams and the happiness that this creates in yourself and in your family.
    • How beautiful was that proud look that everyone in my family looked at me with, especially my parents, when I told them that I had excelled in high school.
    • I will never forget that warm embrace that my mother gave me, and my father’s proud smile as well, and his compliments that came spontaneously.
    • I love that spontaneity that characterized my father.
    • It makes his compliment more wonderful and refreshing for whoever hears it.
  • In the morning, I opened my eyes and woke up to the sound of the alarm clock at seven o’clock.
    • This day was a special day for me.
  • It was the most important part of my entire life, which would determine my success in my personal life.
  • I got dressed and headed to the hall, where my mother, as usual, was arranging the dishes.
  • I found both my brothers and my father around the table, absorbed in their conversation.
    • I said: ”good morning”, smiling at everyone, half cheerful and half nervous.
  • My younger brothers, father, and mother all turned around, their faces beaming with friendliness.
  • I joined them after they returned my greeting.
  • My mother poured milk into my cup, winking and saying that it would give me the energy I needed for the day.
    • I know what my mother meant, she believes that the first day is the most important of everything, whether it is at school or at work.
  • Because it leaves an important impression on you.
  • I stared at the light swirl of milk and the steam that was rising from it.
  • I thought, hoping that my mother still sees me as a little girl who always needs her care... and in need of milk as well.
  • I finished my breakfast and the tension was increasing with time... during that important period in my life I was...
    • I calculate every step, every outcome and possible thing: What will I do when I graduate?...
  • But... what if I don’t graduate?...
  • What will I do?
    • Like all these thoughts, they made me more nervous and tense.
  • I checked the clock and found that it was almost eight o’clock.
  • I put a cup of milk in my mouth, a piece of cheese, and toast and headed to my room quickly, gathering my things.
  • Despite my constant suppression of tension, it was increasing over time.
  • I quickly left after saying goodbye to everyone, and my mother’s wishes for success reached my ears.
  • I chose the literature department at the university.
  • I loved it, as literature naturally allows me to express my personality, thoughts, and perceptions about this world.
  • Two weeks after I went to university, I met two wonderful friends, Maria and Aziz.
  • Maria was about my age, two or three inches taller than me, and had a bright smile.
  • Like me, she loved literature.
  • I also met Aziz.
  • Aziz was a young man of African descent.
  • Like us, he was a lover of literature.
    • As many days passed, we studied together, and I met Aziz many times, and our relationship became stronger.
  • He told me more about his personality.
    • He told me that he was in another city and that he had moved to this city to complete his education.
  • Aziz was of African descent, of average height, with kind eyes, but he was precise in his observation.
    • For me, the presence of black people was not a source of inconvenience to me.
  • As I learned in my family environment, the type of skin does not matter as long as the character is beautiful.
    • So I didn’t care to stay away from him; Rather, I accompanied him a lot, and we discovered together with the passage of time that we got along very well.
    • We spent a lot of time chatting about art, literature, and poetry.
  • He told me one day that he loves literature and art because, for him, it makes the world a beautiful, understanding, and dialogic place.
  • That is why he chose the literature department and continued by saying that art is a message.
  • One day he suggested that I accompany him to his house so that he could show me some of his works.
  • Aziz accompanied me