
Texto de laveilla - English

  • Human Stories and Global Realities

  • I came to the airport to go to Istanbul.
    • There was an hour and a half until the airplane’s takeoff.
  • However, as soon as I entered the airport, I received a message from the airline company.
  • This message was about the flight being delayed.
    • Meanwhile, while I was thinking “I wonder what I should do?” where I was sitting, I recognized a person on the opposite side who was talking on the phone loudly.
    • I could hear him very well because he was speaking loudly.
    • He said that he was travelling to the Netherlands because his daughter suffers from breast cancer.
  • I also saw another person on the other side talking on the phone.
  • According to what I have heard, he has got a loan from a bank to buy a car.
  • But he couldn’t agree with the car owner.
    • For this reason, he was talking to someone from customer service to use the loan that he had for another car.
  • I don’t know if he got a positive response from customer service.
  • There was also another person who was talking to someone on the phone.
  • He was telling someone on the telephone that he would never arrive in Germany on time due to the delayed flight.
    • For this, he was very angry.
  • The scene at the airport was like this.
  • Everyone has a story in this world.
    • On the other hand, while I was looking over the news of the day on my phone screen, I read news about the Wagner Group.
    • Namely, a conflict has occurred between the Wagner Group and the Russian army.
  • Fortunately, the conflict was peacefully resolved later.
  • But as I was writing these lines, the leader of the Wagner Group had already died in a plane crash.
  • Finally, life is so strange.
  • People are laughing and having fun in one region of the world while others are crying and suffering in another part of the world.

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English