
Text from hgarias - English

  • I will be there...

    • Eight o’clock in the morning and I am still in bed.
  • My girlfriend is on her way to the office.
  • My cellphone is ringing constantly and my dog is pulling me out of the bed, literally.
  • These are clear signs that I don’t wanna go outside, and blend with the noise of the city.
  • Sometimes I wish I was living in a cabin in the wild, quite far away from the the everyday routines.
    • Sleeping late night, wake up early, go to work, do some tasks, have to deal with my boss and some annoying customers, get back home, spend some free time like surfing the Internet, watching son tv series episodes with my girlfriend or meeting my friends at one of their parent’s home to watch sports games or just sit there like dumbs with nothing else to say, then go home, go to bed late night...and so on.
    • Junior! you are really late...I hear my mum’s voice so far in the background.
    • In still in my bed and today is my first day in college.
    • I am so tired, what a heavy dream, would it be?


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
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  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
    • Sleeping late night, wake up early, go to work, do some tasks, have to deal with my boss and some annoying customers, get back home, spend some free time like surfing the Internet, watching son tv series episodes with my girlfriend or meeting my friends at one of their parent’s home to watch sports games or just sit there like dumbs with nothing else to say, then go home, go to bed late night...and so on.
      0% GOOD (1 votes)
    • Sleeping late night, wake up early, go to work, do some tasks, have to deal with my boss and some annoying customers, get back home, spend some free time like surfing the Internet, watching sonme tv series episodes with my girlfriend or meeting my friends at one of their parent’s homes to watch sports games or just sit there like dumbsstupidly with nothing else to say, then go home, go to bed late night...and so on.
    • Sleeping late at night, wakeing up early, going to work, doing some tasks, haveing to deal with my boss and some annoying customers, getting back home, spending some free time like surfing the Internet, watching sonme tv series episodes with my girlfriend or meeting with my friends at one of their parents homes to watch sports games or just sitting there like dumbidiots with nothing else to say, then going home, going to bed late at night...and so on.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9