
Сообщение от foreignlanguages80 - English

  • If I had my blog

  • If I had my own blog, I would like to write about learning foreign languages.
    • Since I was a child, I’ve always felt attracted to languages other from my own.
    • When I began to study English, at 11 years of age, I thought it would be difficult, but I’m glad my idea proved wrong.
  • Most times, my score was high.
    • Of course, later in life, studying this language hasn’t always been easy, and much depended on the context, the material studied and the skill requested.
    • In any case I can’t complain, I’ve always done pretty well.
    • There’s one thing I learned, and it was important to study English, other languages and everything in life: never stop learning.
  • It is the golden rule I follow in my life.

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