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    • Such an Invigorating Baltic

    • We have summer in its full swing!
    • The water in Baltic is finally warm enough to swim - now about 20°C.
    • From the second part of the June I’m swimming regularly - almost each day, often more than once.
    • And what never ceases to amaze me that I’m almost the only one doing this.
    • Of course there are lots of people on the beach since the early morning, but most that they do is dip, swim three meters and stand in water.
    • But I like to swim along the shore about 30 minutes.
    • It’s enough for me to freshen up, to enjoy and relax, not became tired or cold.
    • After my small swimming sometimes people say that I must be a professional swimmer or that I swim well.
    • Actually nothing of it true - I just get pleasure of it and see nothing unusual in it.
    • Of course water in the Baltic Sea not very warm, but it’s comfortable and invigorating now, after it you never are weary, rather renewed and fresh.
    • It’s one of the reason why I so like to swim in mornings.
    • What is really bad, that the water is warm enough just 3-4 moths in a year.
    • So I guess I should buy a wetsuit, to prolong the season to 5-6 moths.

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