
Text od Cristinajuca - English

  • Answer the questions

  • 1.
  • Do you often get colds?
  • How many colds have you had in the last three months?
    • I don’t get cold very often.
  • In the last three months I only have had one cold. 2.
  • Are you taking any vitamins or supplements at the moment?
  • How long have you been taking them?
  • Yes, I am in a postpartum period, so I have been taking vitamins for four months.
    • Also, when I was pregnant, I’ve taken it too. 3.
  • Do you drink much water?
  • How many glasses have you drunk today?
    • I think that now I drink enough water, but not to much.
  • I usually drink 15 glasses of water per day, but we are in summer. 4.
  • Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?
  • How many portions have you had today?
  • I don’t eat a lot of fruit but I eat some vegetables.
    • But it’s difficult to say how many portions of vegetables I eat, because I eat it in salad, gazpacho, in the meal… 5.
  • Do you do any exercise? What?
  • How long have you done it?
  • I usually walk.
  • I don’t have free time so I walk a little. 6.
  • Do you walk to school (or work or university)?
  • How far have you walked today?
    • I can’t go walking to my work because it’s so far away I have to go by car.
  • I usually walk one hour per day. 7.
    • How many hours have you sleep at night?
  • Have you been sleeping well recently?
    • I usually sleep 7 hours, but usually two by two, because I have a baby and he wakes up many times at night.
  • For that reason, I haven’t been sleeping well recently. 8.
  • Are you allergic to anything?
  • Have you ever had a serious allergic reaction?
    • I am allergic to cats, horses, dogs, to some fruits, vegetables, to nuts, to some plants… lot of things.
    • I have had serious allergic reactions, for example one day after a allergic vaccine, other time when I ate a horchata, because it’s a drink with chufa, a nut.