
Poruka od Brocky - English

    • Soffy Little Girl. Part 1

  • Once upon time there was a girl named Soffy.
  • Soffy was a poor child, she had no money, no parents, the only person she had was her auntie.
  • They lived in a humble house, her auntie was old, and so she couldn’t afford her what she needed.
  • When Soffy reached 5 years she entered the preliminary school, she was very happy.
  • Soffy loved chocolate so much, but she rarely had the opportunity to taste it.
  • In her school every day boys and girls brought chocolates and sweets with them and ate them all, but nobody wanted to share even a small piece of chocolate with her.
  • She’s been dreaming that when she’ll grow up, she’ll make her own factory and will give every poor child chocolate for free.
  • And every time when she back home, her auntie read to her stories before she went to sleep.
  • After 5 years, her auntie passed away, it was a shocking moment for her.
  • Soffy had to stop going to school, she hadn’t enough money to support herself.
  • She was very upset, and she hadn’t no one to rely on.
  • One night, before she was about to sleep, Soffy remembered what her auntie kept telling her “Today reader, tomorrow leader,” so tomorrow she went to the library and she borrowed bunch of books and every day she read a book.
  • She allocated all her time for reading.
  • Every week she went back to library and got new books, after one month she started reading two books per day, and every time before she started reading books she said her auntie’s incantation “Today reader, tomorrow leader,” and after two months she became a well read, she started criticizing authors.