

barthalome (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Origin seri

  • Now i am watching origin.
  • It’s seri very strong because we have lot’s of blood.
    • It’s the story of people that they go to Théo.
    • It’s an other planet that Human people wan’t to colonize.
  • During this travel thing fight against the ship. we don’t know what is it.
  • All of crew was evacuate except one 2 cells.
  • The first cell is those who destroyed by astéroïde (all crew in it is killed) and the second cell people in it woke up and discover the ship.
  • They don’t know it because they get on the ship when they was sleeping.
  • The story speak about ”alien” or virus that he killed each crew.
  • Crew step after step learn and understand the capacity of this thing.
  • I am happy to watch monday the next episode

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