
Text from laveilla - English

  • Pen and Paper

  • There is no doubt that the pen is an important tool for writing.
    • We write our thoughts with the pen and express our feelings with it in many subjects.
    • When important things come to our mind, we write them immediately in order to not forget them or to remember them later.
    • * For this reason, it has been said that the words disappear, but the writing doesn’t disappear.
    • In other words, spoken words fly away while writing words remain.
    • On the other hand, important historical events and amazing developments have also been written and recorded by pen.
    • At the same time, agreements between countries have taken effect after signing them with the pen.
    • Therefore, the pen has played a significant role in many communities throughout history.
    • Today, the pen is still playing an important role in our everyday lives.
    • I think the pen’s importance will also continue over the coming centuries.
  • * It is said that the pen was invented before writing.
  • I don’t know if this is correct.
    • But, what I know exactly is that the invention of the pen has tremendously facilitated the lives of people in various areas such as science, literature, culture, communication, politics, economics, and so on.
    • The pen has maintained its importance in every stage of life since it was invented.
    • On the other hand, the pen is the most impactful and influential weapon for thinkers and intellectuals to state their thoughts, ideas, and opinions.
    • In this context, it was said that the pen is more powerful than the sword.
    • Also, it is a double-edged weapon.
    • * On one occasion, we went to visit my friend’s grandfather at his home.
  • During the conversation, the topic turned to the pen.
    • My friend’s grandfather said that he knows the value of the pens and greatly respects them and doesn’t throw away them after their ink is finished.
    • On the contrary, he keeps the pens in a suitable place at home.
    • * In this context, paper is an important tool like the pen, too.
    • Here, I mean that the paper is almost like a pen in importance.
    • Because a pen without paper isn’t useful and beneficial.
    • Also, paper without a pen has no value.
    • Both the pen and the paper complete each other in this field.
    • * In the past, people were expressing their emotions with a pen and were writing their thoughts and wishes with it on paper.
    • Then they were putting it in an envelope and were sending it to their families and friends.
    • However, today, this situation has already changed because of the existence of alternative ways such as the internet, computers, and smartphones.
    • Therefore, people are sending messages through e-mail or WhatsApp on smartphones and computers to communicate quickly with each other.
    • * Lastly, as we saw in previous lines, pen and paper are important tools in our lives.
  • Just as my friend’s grandfather did, we should be interested in them and respect them.