
Text from karinasml - English

  • My next trip

    • My next trip My name is Karina, Im from Brazil and I love to travel.
    • Before the pandemic, I use to travel abroad.
    • But since 2019, Im not to travel to much.
    • The trip that I did was very short and just in my country.
    • Is also beautiful and have many different places to know.
    • For example, the nort is very different from the south, each one with their unique beauty.
    • The last two years, I traveled a lot for north and north east in Brazil.
    • Im living in the south and the culture is very different.
  • For the next year, my intention is to travel to Asia.
    • I have been there 3 times, but I still don´t know all countries.
    • I hope to go for two new countries: China and Japan.
    • I´m very curious with asian culture and I believe that I will have a lot of different experiences in these countries.
    • I want go to the big cities but also want go for the small cities.
    • I want to prove teas and good foods.
    • I have 2 friends from Taiwan and they wante to do this trip with me.
    • For the next months I will plan my road map and take the visa.
    • Im very exiciting to know a new countries!