
tata_vladimirovna_7 szövege - English

  • What makes an ideal friend?

  • Our friends are some of the most important relationships we have in our lives.
  • What makes an ideal friend?
  • There are many things in the world that matter.
  • Friendship is one of the most amazing phenomena of our lives.
  • A good friend means the world.
  • However, what makes an ideal friend?
    • How to build strong friend relationships that will last throughout your life?
    • How to make sure that your friend is a true friend?
  • In our life, many different things happen.
  • Sometimes, we all need support; we need people we can rely on.
    • Not every time your beloved ones are near to help you.
    • Thus, friends are the only people who can understand us and make us feel comfortable.
  • That’s why I think that challenging situations are where you can check and prove your friendship.
    • Moreover, it happens that your family members do not support you in your endevour.
  • They do not believe in you and think that you will not succeed in your business.
  • Such situations are extremely devastating and your mind just falls into pieces.
  • In such cases, your friends are the only people who do not allow you to give up.
    • However, answering the question “What makes an ideal fiend?”, a very curious thought comes to my mind.
  • You are also someone’s friend.
  • What do you do to be the very person who can boast of being a loyal friend?
  • When you realise it, you can get what qualities are needed to build the most important relationships we have in our lives.
    • Next year, I am going to go to the US to study at university.
  • It is an absolutely new and slightly scary experience for me since I have never been abroad.
  • I need to make new friends in a new country and I understand how valuable it is to build strong friendly relationships.
  • I believe that in my 20’s, I will be able to find the right people I can trust and become the right person for someone, too.
  • To sum up, I would like to say that an ideal friend is a person you can tell everything in the world and they will support you in any way.
  • It is a person you can call in the middle of the night and ask to take care of your dog for a couple of weeks.
  • An ideal friend is a real treasure and I do hope everyone will have one someday.