
Text från Olya_by_name - English

    • FCE_letter

    • Hi Kate, Great to hear from you.
    • It’s curious that the topic of your project directly links with my nowadays life.
    • As you already know my daughter Antonia was born two months ago and I spend a lot of time walking in parks.
    • So I have noticed some really inconvenient problems.
    • The first and famous problem is a lack of ramps for a stroller on stairs.
    • How should I go up or down the stairs with a heavy stroller if there isn’t a ramp or special entrance?
    • The next problem that I face more than 6 months a year is a poor road and especially footpaths surface.
    • When snow starts melting or when it’s rainy it’s a real struggle to go through all the mud with a baby carriage.
    • And the last but not least, the vast majority of cafes or street food points work only at the weekend.
    • I feel really disappointed in other days because it’s almost impossible to buy a coffee to go during a stroll.
    • I am sure that city government should allocate money to develop city parks.
    • However it’s a direct responsibility of local authorities of parks to maintain and improve the infrastructure.
    • I believe the more convenient conditions will be, the more people will come and the more income will be.
    • It’s a win win situation.
  • Hope your project goes well.
    • Yours sincerely, Olga