
ADJUVA AD EMEDANDUM NUNC!qualiter corripiantur

Scriptum ab Sararttiga - English

  • New Car

    • The automative companies all over the world produce new car model every year.
    • The new models share similarities and differences in shape, price and size.
    • Most people nowadays prefer the suv cars which composed of five seats or seven seats.
    • Because of that , the automative companies compete between them to provide market with the most beautiful and attractive design.
    • This lead to many car looks like each other.
    • On another hand, there are new distinctive colors like the nardo gray color in oodi cars.
    • In addition, with any new add to the car’s design will increase the price in crazy way.
    • While people searching for suv cars, companies make the size for suv bigger every year.
    • This is benefit for customers but also add more cost to the car.
    • In short, cars are considered as very convenient and secure transportation method .