
Text von Seelvia - English

    • Should we dtop homeworks

    • home works have no useful effects on student , and it should be stopped.
    • First of all , it decease student free time . they won’t get enough time to play , practice Their hobbies, spend with their family members, or even to sleep properly.
    • As a result, this will derease their energy and motivation which will reflect negatively on their study .
    • Another reason why I don’t prefer Homework is that it breaks students confidence. when a student fail to solve his homework then see his schoolmates tackle with it easily, he’ll feel frustrated and depressed.
    • In addition, home works cause many conflicts between the students and their families or teachers when they don’t solve them.
    • This negatively affects their Psychological health cause stress to them.
    • To sum up, by giving homeworks to our student, we gain nothing but we lose many things , and stopping it is a smart decision intelligent people make.

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