
Text von Afrin - English

    • Statement to world public opinion.

    • Statement to world public opinion.
    • Education Authority in al-Shahba canton.
    • We condemn, denounce and decry the arbitrary and immoral measures committed against us by the Syrian and Russian regime represented by the systematic suffocating siege that envelops the Kurdish and Arab bodies in Ashrafieh, Sheikh Maqsoud and Al-Shahba region, starting with depriving them of the most basic rights granted to human beings in the twenty-first century.
    • International laws and covenants signed by the Syrian regime, which include the freedom of people to express their opinion, to live in dignity, to ensure education for children, and to secure livelihoods for them.
  • But we have been suffering from the siege since the occupation of Afrin until now.
    • We are trapped between the jaws of mercenaries on the one hand, and the Syrian regime on the other hand, which blocked all entry doors to the areas where the Kurds and Arabs are present, and prevented the entry of living and health needs in order to force us to fold under its wings.
    • In front of this siege, the international community is silent Regarding the suffering of the Kurds and Arabs in the face of the siege and the resulting closure of schools and institutes, not allowing the entry of fuel and medicine into the Shahba region, which we desperately need, and depriving thousands of children of the right to education in their mother tongue.
  • Don’t we and our children have the right to live and be educated?
    • Our Appeal to Organizations that are still blind to the ongoing violations and immoral measures against the Kurdish people in Syria in general and the Al-Shahba region in particular.
    • We call for the dismantling of the blockade of our areas and for students to return to their schools.
    • No to the siege.
  • No to international silence.
    • Yes for freedom.
    • Education Authority in Tal Refaat.
  • Date: 12/21/2022

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English