
BielyChameleon23 (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Eucaryotic cells (exam around the corner)

  • Hi, today I´m going to write about cells.
    • Eucaryotic cells and it´s organelles, to be precise.
    • Sorry, if you find this meticulous approach annoying, I just think it´s pretty important to be precise in this field.
    • Imagine a brain surgeon who decides to round things up a little and slice off a bit more neurons than necessary.
    • Personally, I don´t think it´d cause me much damage, since, according to my mom, I only use like five percent of my brain capacity.
  • But you know what I mean.
  • I need to mention that today the Lord has smiled upon you.
    • I´ll try to use at least ten percent of that capacity (which I do like once in a blue moon) to write something coherent.
    • Not sure whether I´ll be succesful, but I´ll try.
    • I have an upcoming exam (on Wendnesday, if we again want to be precise), so it´s as much for my own good as for yours.
    • Let´s assume we already know what the cell is (but if not: it´s the basic unit of life, i.e. the smallest *living* thing you can find) It can come in various shapes: - circular (adipose tissue/fat cells) - biconcave or dyscocyte (RBC - red blood cell) - amoeboid (WBC - white blood cell, leukocyte) - oval head, long tail (sperm) - long, narrow, almost rectangular (columnar epithelium) - long, stretched, branched (nerve cells) I never thought English is more exhausting than right now.
    • I wanted to write that the whole point of this was just to declare that nevertheless they’ve various shapes, their structure is the same, but sincerely...what kind of person would I be if I’d do that?
  • There’s like no way all of these jaw-breaker adjectives serve solely for that purpose!
  • Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought.
  • But the teacher told us to write exactly that sentence, word to word and I just had to groan in frustration and obediently note this conclusion and everything that follows.
  • It’s not my fault, I swear.
  • However, let´s move on to the basic cell structures: First, we have the cell wall.
    • In plant cells, it separates the cell from it´s enviroment and it also serves to support/protect them - it´s a stiff, rigid and permeable structure that surrounds the cell membrane - but only can be found in plant cells.
  • Well, yeah, and mushroom cells and in prokaryotic cells as well.
  • In plant cells, it contains carbohydrates - polysaccharides - like pectin, lignin and cellulose.
  • In mushrooms, it contains another polysaccharid instead - chitin.
    • Next we have plasma membrane, consisting of two layers of phospholipids, interspersed with proteins and cholesterol throughout the structure.
    • It also supports and protects the cell - it controls movement of substances into or out of the cell.
    • (it´s semipermeable) In regard to animal cells, it also separates the cell from its environment.
  • Now we´ve pretty much covered the surface of the cells.
    • I know that it´s terrible when someone only brushes the surface of the topic and never gets to the deep stuff - but haven´t we got deep enough with these two already?
    • I believe correcting this text must have been as hard as writing it...so I´m indeed indepted to the crazy nerd who undertook the task.
    • (or should I say geek?
    • Sorry, whatever it is, I meant the nicer word, but reading mainly historical fiction, I´m not really sure which one to use.
    • Could you please explain to me the shades of these words?
  • Also, thank you so much again.
    • I can´t believe my luck, that I stumbled onto this page!) Eh, yeah...what I wanted to say was that let´s just list the other organelles instead going deep...to get the vocabulary more quickly.
  • I feel terribly guilty for leaving this sort of unfinished, but I guess l have a bigger fish to fry - namely getting these facts straight in my native language for the test.
    • It´s a pity, because I kind of enjoy being this nerdy (using double the usual capacity of my brain isn´t as hard, when your starting point is set low.) But let´s list the organelles: -Cytoplasm -Ribosome -Nucleus -Endoplasmic Reticule -Golgi Body - Mitochordria - Chloroplast -Vacuole -Lysosome If you´d like, I´ve got like ten pages of text I can slowly translate later to get real specific with each of these bodies (can organelle be called a body?), but now I gotta go...the time flies way too quickly, if you ask me.
  • Especially with an exam around the corner.

각 문장을 수정해주세요! - English

  • 제목
  • 문장 1
  • 문장 2
  • 문장 3
    • Sorry, if you find this meticulous approach annoying, I just think it´s pretty important to be precise in this field.
    • Sorry, if you find this meticulous approach annoying,. I just think it´s pretty important to be precise in this field.
  • 문장 4
    • Imagine a brain surgeon who decides to round things up a little and slice off a bit more neurons than necessary.
    • Imagine a brain surgeon who decides to round things up a little and slice off a bitfew more neurons than necessary.
  • 문장 5
    • Personally, I don´t think it´d cause me much damage, since, according to my mom, I only use like five percent of my brain capacity.
    • Personally, I don´t think it´d cause me much damage, since, according to my mom, I only use something like five percent of my brain capacity.
  • 문장 6
  • 문장 7
  • 문장 8
    • I´ll try to use at least ten percent of that capacity (which I do like once in a blue moon) to write something coherent.
    • I´'ll try to use at least ten percent of that capacity (which I do like once in a blue moon) to write something coherent.
  • 문장 9
  • 문장 10
    • I have an upcoming exam (on Wendnesday, if we again want to be precise), so it´s as much for my own good as for yours.
    • I have an upcoming exam (on Wendnesday, if we again want to be precise), so it´'s as much for my own good as for yours.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 10ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 10
  • 문장 11
    • Let´s assume we already know what the cell is (but if not: it´s the basic unit of life, i.e. the smallest *living* thing you can find) It can come in various shapes: - circular (adipose tissue/fat cells) - biconcave or dyscocyte (RBC - red blood cell) - amoeboid (WBC - white blood cell, leukocyte) - oval head, long tail (sperm) - long, narrow, almost rectangular (columnar epithelium) - long, stretched, branched (nerve cells) I never thought English is more exhausting than right now.
    • Let´'s assume we already know what the cell is (but if not: it´'s the basic unit of life, i.e. the smallest *living* thing you can find)¶
      It can come in various shapes:¶

      - circular (adipose tissue/fat cells)¶
      - biconcave or dyscocyte (RBC - red blood cell)¶
      - amoeboid (WBC - white blood cell, leukocyte)¶
      - oval head, long tail (sperm)¶
      - long, narrow, almost rectangular (columnar epithelium)¶
      - long, stretched, branched (nerve cells)¶

      I never thought English is more exhausting than right now.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 11
  • 문장 12
    • I wanted to write that the whole point of this was just to declare that nevertheless they’ve various shapes, their structure is the same, but sincerely...what kind of person would I be if I’d do that?
    • I wanted to write that the whole point of this was just to declare that nevertheless they have various shapes, their structure is the same, but sincerely...what kind of person would I be if I'd do that?
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 12ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 12
  • 문장 13
  • 문장 14
  • 문장 15
    • But the teacher told us to write exactly that sentence, word to word and I just had to groan in frustration and obediently note this conclusion and everything that follows.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 15ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 15
  • 문장 16
  • 문장 17
  • 문장 18
    • In plant cells, it separates the cell from it´s enviroment and it also serves to support/protect them - it´s a stiff, rigid and permeable structure that surrounds the cell membrane - but only can be found in plant cells.
    • In plant cells, it separates the cell from it´s enviroment and it also serves to support/protect them - it´'s a stiff, rigid and permeable structure that surrounds the cell membrane - but only can be found in plant cells.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 18ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 18
  • 문장 19
  • 문장 20
  • 문장 21
  • 문장 22
    • Next we have plasma membrane, consisting of two layers of phospholipids, interspersed with proteins and cholesterol throughout the structure.
    • Next we have the plasma membrane, consisting of two layers of phospholipids, interspersed with proteins and cholesterol throughout the structure.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 22ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 22
  • 문장 23
  • 문장 24
  • 문장 25
  • 문장 26
    • I know that it´s terrible when someone only brushes the surface of the topic and never gets to the deep stuff - but haven´t we got deep enough with these two already?
    • I know that it´'s terrible when someone only brushes the surface of thea topic and never gets to the deep stuff - but haven´'t we got deep enough with these two already?
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 26ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 26
  • 문장 27
    • I believe correcting this text must have been as hard as writing it...so I´m indeed indepted to the crazy nerd who undertook the task.
    • I believe correcting this text must have been as hard as writing it...so I´'m indeed indepted to the crazy nerd who undertook the task.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 27ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 27
  • 문장 28
  • 문장 29
    • Sorry, whatever it is, I meant the nicer word, but reading mainly historical fiction, I´m not really sure which one to use.
    • Sorry, whatever it is, I meant the nicer word, but reading mainly historical fiction, I´'m not really sure which one to use.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 29ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 29
  • 문장 30
  • 문장 31
  • 문장 32
    • I can´t believe my luck, that I stumbled onto this page!) Eh, yeah...what I wanted to say was that let´s just list the other organelles instead going deep...to get the vocabulary more quickly.
    • I can´t believe my luck, that I stumbled onto this page!)¶
      Eh, yeah...what I wanted to say was that let
      ´'s just list the other organelles instead going deep...to get the vocabulary more quickly.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 32ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 32
  • 문장 33
    • I feel terribly guilty for leaving this sort of unfinished, but I guess l have a bigger fish to fry - namely getting these facts straight in my native language for the test.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 33ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 33
  • 문장 34
    • It´s a pity, because I kind of enjoy being this nerdy (using double the usual capacity of my brain isn´t as hard, when your starting point is set low.) But let´s list the organelles: -Cytoplasm -Ribosome -Nucleus -Endoplasmic Reticule -Golgi Body - Mitochordria - Chloroplast -Vacuole -Lysosome If you´d like, I´ve got like ten pages of text I can slowly translate later to get real specific with each of these bodies (can organelle be called a body?), but now I gotta go...the time flies way too quickly, if you ask me.
    • It´s a pity, because I kind of enjoy being this nerdy (using double the usual capacity of my brain isn´'t as hard, when your starting point is set low.)¶

      But let´s list the organelles:¶

      -Endoplasmic Reticule¶
      -Golgi Body¶
      - Mitochordria¶
      - Chloroplast¶

      If you´d like, I´ve got like ten pages of text I can slowly translate later to get real
      ly specific with each of these bodies (can organelle be called a body? - better not, "body" is a far too generic word ), but now I gotta go...the
      time flies way too quickly, if you ask me.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 34ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - 문장 34
  • 문장 35