
Text from Englezaengleza0101 - English

  • Description about myselft

    • Hi, I m bachelor degree at University Politehnica Bucharest.
    • I’m the first year of master that is Informatics applied in Energy.
  • Also, I m working like photovoltaic engineer since 4 may 2021 and i like din domain so much.
    • I make the project budget, proiection and dimension all the elements for system, i make the order from our suppliers, i supervise the project and i make all autorization that is neccesary for a good function.


  • Title
  • Vakya 1
  • Vakya 2
  • Vakya 3
  • Vakya 4
    • I make the project budget, proiection and dimension all the elements for system, i make the order from our suppliers, i supervise the project and i make all autorization that is neccesary for a good function.
      Vote now!
    • I makedecide on the project's budget, proijection and, dimension allnd all of the elements forrequired for the system, i. I make out the order froms to our suppliers, iI supervise the project and iI make all the autorizsations that isare neccessary for a good functionto ensure a successful system.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 4ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Vakya 4