
ADJUVA AD EMEDANDUM NUNC!qualiter corripiantur

Scriptum ab foreignlanguages80 - English

    • Travelling

    • What does travelling mean to you?
    • I think, whatever the reason you travel for, wherever you go, whoever you travel with, travelling is one of the most important experiences we can have.
    • Travelling helps us to learn new things, to see the world with eyes different from our own, to relax, to have fun.
    • Of course, visiting a different place each time will help us to learn even more and will change us even more.
  • But even visiting the same place at a different time can have special effects on us.
  • For example, did you visit the same place as a child and as an adult?
  • What were your reactions?
  • Did you feel you had missed something?
  • Today, we can move to any corner of the world and learning languages is easier than in the past.
    • These two factors improved the quality of travelling.
  • What do you think?