
Text von Mialee - English

    • sentences

    • If give me a change to choose a new job, I will be a writer, providing spiriting, energising stories for kids. i have a yeaning for it.
  • I adore self-reliant people because they always show initiative on their work or study, once they make up minds, they have got a strong willpower till the end.
  • it was the most fruifil traveling, because of the breathtaking lake sence which mirrored and doubled all objects, creating a great picture.
  • all the arrangements will not be in air untill the new proposal get the admition from the broad.
  • if you force children to learn some arts skills in their spare time, refering to not doing of their own accord, you would find all the investment of time and money are in vain.
  • the public should have no discrimination against who are released from prison, because they often apply themselves to get the respect from other, being common people, while they are likely to re-offend without any caring from families, community or

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English