
Text from Juldyro - English

    • My mum's story

    • Two years ago, when my family and I were in Italy, we had to commute to the aiport.
    • The friend of us offered to give us a lift.
    • Unfortunetly, he hadn't enough space to take the six of us.
    • My mother and my aunt decided to take a train.
    • The rest of us were earlier in the aiport.
    • While we checked in, my mum called.
  • She said She didn't know where she is.
  • It seemed that my mum and auntie confounded the direction.
  • They went to the opposite way.
    • Time was passing so quickly and our plane were going to arrive.
  • The same friend, who had given us a lift, went for them.
  • He drove really fast.
  • Happily, our flight was delayed and they were on time.
  • Honestly we were raelly scared.
  • If they hadn't been on time, they would have stayed in Rome for a very long time.
  • We couldn't afford to buy another plane ticket.
  • Thank you for your help!