
Текст од Efraingaytan - English

    • Criminal demand

  • Narrative of the facts: On September 12,2020.
    • My friend and me were headed to the gas station, and carried a bottle to fill out with diesel to the bulldozer, Suddenly, we were hit at the front by a police car, I was thrown seven meters toward a square of grass getting just a broken arm but my friend got the two broken legs and the hip, he is paralytic the rest of his life, he can’t walk and work and has a wife with two children.
    • He has to pay $ 200 dollars every day in the hospital, etcetera.
    • When we were hit I listened the police reported,,: ”the two thieves on the red motorcycle were caught” and I replied: ” we aren’t thieves”.
    • So we demand the state and the two police officers involved were judged by intent of homicide.