
Texto de Brocky - English

  • Should parents decide on the career of their childr

  • P.S: i just adjust my essay with examples, Please feel free to correct it and to give me your opinion.
    • Should parents decide on the career of their children?
  • This is a good question.
  • Many people think that parents should choose the career of their children.
  • Especially that the parents have the experience and want to choose the best for their children.
  • But I disagree with this.
  • It is better for children to choose their own careers and do what they love.
  • First of all, children would like do things which they love.
  • And parents should not decide their career because the career being picked may not be what children love to do.
  • Due to this they would lose their jobs and they will face economic problems like supporting their families.
  • And it is not easy for them to build a new career.
  • Another reason I don’t think parents should select the career of the their children is because if a student joins a course he loves and passionate, enthusiast, then he will rich the highest order and he will be successful in his career, otherwise they will face psychological problems like depression, and craziness ect… Finally, I believe every person has the right to choose what he wishes to do with his life.
  • But if parents choose their career, then they will raise hatred towards their parents and they will not respect them.
  • Thus we will have problems in our society.
  • To conclude, Parents should be interested in their children’s careers.
    • And they may guide their children to find what suit them.

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