
Text from piotr_kali - English


    • I believe that since the Age of Enlightenment the humanity has been gradually depriving itself of contact with our spiritual core.
    • This is the main reason which doesn’t allow us to live to the full.
  • The transcendental perception of existence is integral to human nature.
  • It’s an innate value which can’t be eradicated.
  • The Germán philosopher Rudolf Otto was an eager proponent of recreating our original roots.
    • According to his theory when human being exposes itself( himself??? confused) on presence of divine entity, we experience a complex emotion which includes both trepidation and infinite awe.
    • Only faith in supernatural entity can save us from neurotic and limited existence.
    • He doesn’t curtail his theory only to particular religion or denomination but extends it even to non-abrahamic traditions.
  • That’s the reason why we should willingly exceed the confines of our mindset and be audacious in exploring the vastness of our nature.
    • Unfortunately some people who based their lives on strict rationalism perceive the proponents of reviving religious aspect of existence as the eponyms of the gone world.
    • In their opinion any form of religion is already an obsolete way of life and inadequate for the modern civilisation.
    • But when we deprive ourselves of the contact with deity our lives are becoming gradually arduous ordeals which don’t have any meaning.
    • Quite naturally it would be gullible if we tried to recreate to the full extent the forms of religious life which prevailed over Europe in the Medieval Ages.
    • Nevertheless, I believe we must somehow reconcile our traditional roots and a modern advance.
    • Some ”modus vivendi” must be established or otherwise the future generations will conceal their lacklustre lives in perfunctory avatars of social media.