
نص من - English

  • Sentences

    • She is a energising person encouraging me to purchase my dream, who also help me to build up self-confidence.
    • As humans are social creature, the feeling of communication over face to face cannot be taken place by virtual communication which is lack of the realistic interaction.
    • Face to face communication should be the domestic means of communication because we are social creature, if we lake of attaching with exterior world, we would feel nervous, insolent and stressful, even arising some psychological problems.
    • Participating fully in social activities benefits individual a lot, promoting one's potential, gaining encouragement from others, build self-confidence, which are elements for everyone to integrate into the society well.
    • When i met her first time i was attracted by her personality, as the time passed, i realised we were kindred spirits.
    • Some 'friends' said they would not console you at times of sorrow, they just tell the truth directly. actually, i think that is a selfish behaviour, because why cannot they choose a suitable timing and a acceptable expression, to help sorrow person go though sorrow time easily.
    • Life is full of joys and sorrows, because of them, happiness seems happier, sadness also seems essential, which make us commen and special.
    • The restaurant, recommended by tess, is famous for the authentic beef balls. even in the summer you still can see people waiting in line outside the restaurant for hot pot, which Chinese seldom eat in hot weather.
    • In my opinion, friends should be divide into different groups, in term of fair weather friend, i would get ride of them.
    • I adore susuan boyle a lot because she well interprets what is dream, inspiring everyone.
    • Nowadays, because of the revolution of education system, children's initial enthusiasm received higher respection thus promoting their potential, such as some students are passionate about programming language only at the age of 12.

رجاءً ساعدهم في تصحيح كل جملة - English