
Text from sebamonj - English

  • Some random phrases.

    • 1.Tomorrow I’ll have finished the repairs on your car.
    • 2.When do they expect to land at the airport? 3.
  • He is working in the laboratory now.
    • 4.The valuable vase have been broken sometime during the night.
    • 5.The prisoners will be moved to a different prison. 6.
    • It is impossible to know everything about a subject .
    • 7.I’m busy tomorrow; however,I’ll go to that party you mentioned yesterday .
    • 8.William suggested he would handle the settings for Christmas .
    • 9.I’m really not supposed to watch TV .
  • I must be doing homework.
    • 10.Maria will be able to watch the children tonight.
    • 11.The students haven’t had time to prepare for the test.
    • 12.My uncle will work tonight, but my aunt will be free .
    • 13.They will have traveled to the factory on their own. 14.
    • I never wash the dishes because you never ask me . 15.
    • If I understood at least one percent of what the teacher teach us , I would be in a better mood .
    • 16.When I saw how you looked at her, I knew you had fallen in love . 17.
    • He didn’t do the laundry, because she didn’t put her clothes in the basket .
    • 18.Can you tell me where the post office is placed ? 19.
    • I’m really sorry that you broke up with Julie. .
    • 20.He finally met the beautiful actress that had interpreted the main character in his favourite TV show.
    • 21.My uncle sat next to the guy I had been talking with.
    • 22.If only my grandmother could understand me.
    • 23.Do you know why does ice float on water?
    • 24.If I were you, I’d tell him the truth.
    • 25.I didn’t answer the professor’s question, because I knew I didn’t have a clue.
    • 26.Marie didn’t want to talk back although she knew she was right.
    • 27.No one told me why my uncle was angry .
    • 28.In winter I like to skiing .
    • 29.During the World war II , my aunt and uncle were still married.
    • 30.Jim isn’t the fittest guy in class, but he’s the tallest.