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  • Difference beetween Henri Moore and Sutherland

  • Even if the sculptor Henri Moore and the painter Sutherland have a different artistic manner, Herbert Read aims at demonstrate that both of these artists don’t want to show the appearance of the world, but the energy within things through their own emotions.
  • But Moore’s art is closer than Sutherland’s to primitive animism because his figures lead the spectator to merge himself with [in dans le texte] the work of art he sees [is seeing].
  • Herbert Read also says that Moore drew from Saxon and Mexican art.
  • Romanesque art and some aspects of Picasso’s [ ? ajouter « one »] influenced Moore too.
  • All the same, we can’t say that Moore’s art is only eclectic, but above all personnal.
  • His carvings, indeed, are also different from the Rodin or Maillol’s trend [laisser « the » ?] because those creations represent an original way of sculpture which prevents us to categorize this artist.
  • Even if a few carvings like Madonna and Child and some abstract sculptures show a certain restraint, we must also have in mind that most of his work is expressionistic, far from expressionism.

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  • Title
  • propoziție 1
    • Even if the sculptor Henri Moore and the painter Sutherland have a different artistic manner, Herbert Read aims at demonstrate that both of these artists don’t want to show the appearance of the world, but the energy within things through their own emotions.
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    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 1ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 1
  • propoziție 2
    • But Moore’s art is closer than Sutherland’s to primitive animism because his figures lead the spectator to merge himself with [in dans le texte] the work of art he sees [is seeing].
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    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 2ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 2
  • propoziție 3
  • propoziție 4
  • propoziție 5
  • propoziție 6
    • His carvings, indeed, are also different from the Rodin or Maillol’s trend [laisser « the » ?] because those creations represent an original way of sculpture which prevents us to categorize this artist.
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    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 6ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 6
  • propoziție 7
    • Even if a few carvings like Madonna and Child and some abstract sculptures show a certain restraint, we must also have in mind that most of his work is expressionistic, far from expressionism.
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    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 7ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 7