
Text from NickZ467 - English

  • Advantages of distance learning!

  • Hello everyone.
  • In my previous text I told you what I don’t like about distance learning.
  • Today I’m about to tell you why distance learning is advantageous.
  • So,let’s begin!
    • Distance learning helps you to save your time and money because you sit at home all the time and you don’t need to get to your school using public transport.
    • You can spent saved time on sport, your hobbies and doing what you like.
    • You can really get enough sleep on account of you don’t need to get up early.
    • Moreover, you are calm because there are no teachers around you who probably would hurry you with answers on their questions.
    • You just sit at home and do your homework without any nerves.
    • If you’re not really sociable person ,distance learning will put you out of the necessity to communicate with different people.
  • Thus online learning has some prons.
    • Nevertheless I stick to opinion that there’s no better than direct contact with your teachers in real ife.
    • I think that online learning should be used only in extreme sutiations like the coronavirus pandemic.