
Сообщение от Sylviane346 - English

  • Can we do without plastic?

  • Plastic is everywhere around us.
  • This material is cheap, light, water-resistant, easy to produce, handle, and color.
  • Till its invention, six billion ton out of the nine billion ton that has been produced is in nature.
  • Plastic becomes microparticles that are hidden all around us and pollute the environment.
  • We are not conscious of the problem in Europe because there is a system of collection, a sorting system, and a false idea of recycling.
  • Humans know perfectly how to produce plastic for the food sector, the wrapping sector, or whatever but they have never studied what happens to plastic after its use.
  • How to recycle it efficiently?
  • Turning an object into another object, it’s not recycling.
    • The pollution remains present.
    • In developing countries, you can often see plastic ’eveywhere’.
  • How is it possible?
    • In these countries, one trash out of two is not collected.
    • They try to valorize waste but people have other priorities like sending children to school, clothing themselves or staying healthy.
  • Certain organizations try to explain to inhabitants how to reduce their use of plastic but what about the industries?
  • They should change their processes of production.
  • They have the means to do it.
  • Everywhere in the world when it’s impossible to reprocessing plastic, it is buried into the soil.
  • Is that the solution?
  • I don’t think so.
    • The landfilling and the waste incineration are not keys.
  • In fact, the only answer is to ban plastic and promote natural means of preservation like a return to old ways of packaging.
  • Another solution is to promote new ways of packaging.
    • Here one of these.
  • My husband is a mechanic.
  • When he was working for Skoda, he told me they never received over-packaged parts.
    • These ones were tied in a kind of shelf without any wrapping.
  • There were only a couple of ties that maintained things at the right place.
  • When they took reception of new parts, they were forced to return the empty shelf in exchange for the new one.
  • This system was very ecological but unfortunately disappeared when his boss was forced to work with Kia.
    • The problem of plastic is worldwide and affects blindly our life.
  • The solution is maybe to educate people and future generations.

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