
Сообщение от Lirava - English

  • The Fear of the First Step

  • It is always very difficult to start a new career - impostor syndrome is a very interesting phenomenon.
  • You can learn and practice for years but still feel like Mr. Nobody, who isn’t qualified enough to be worth trusting.
  • You are afraid of making mistakes and feel absolutely unconfident.
    • That is a very familiar thing for those who want to get a job of their dream because people do care about their work, they are very delicate about their dreams and nobody wants to get their hopes ruined.
  • That’s when a lot of us start procrastinating or searching for excuses, but, fortunately, your professional life becomes much easier after the hard initial period of your career.
    • It is said that the beginning is the most difficult thing in the business, it always requires some courage, but also it is rewarding.
    • In that times we should remember: ”On the other side of your maximum fear are all of the best things in life” (Will Smith).

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