從Pochka來的文本 - English

  • Science and Modern Technology

  • 1.
  • What scientific achievements and discoveries have changed people’s lives?
    • Throughout humanity’s life, there were many discoveries and inventions, which every time have been improving residing on the earth.
    • Perhaps, may appear to be that wheel is a simple and insignificant contraption, which has been created a long time ago.
    • But the truth is that it is one of the most popular and used things in our world, which has been involved 5 millennium BC.
    • From my standpoint, the most considerable discovery in human life is electricity.
    • Electricity became integral to a normal destination on Earth, it has contributed much to manufacturing and operating machines. 2.
  • Do all scientific discoveries have a positive effect on our lives?
    • In my view, many scientific discoveries are decent and engaging, especially those which make our life easier and more comfortable.
    • Nevertheless, cannot fail to mention the existence of deadly weapons which also have been created by people.
    • And to my mind, it is one of the most negative discoveries. 3.
  • Give me a piece of advice on how to become a scientist.
    • First of all, you should think about why you want to be a scientist, and then, set a goal about achieving your dream.
    • You should choose the focus of science, like what do you like more, physics, chemistry, etc., and study a lot of this subject.
    • If you really want to be a scientist, you will do anything to become the person you like. 4.
  • Many parents are against their children using social networking.
  • What do you think about it?
    • To my way of thinking, it is wrong, and I believe that it is needed discuss.
    • On the one hand, I can understand parents, because they just trying to protect their children from some dangerous things on the internet, like cyberbullying, identity theft, or online-predators.
    • However, on the other hand, a child, maybe, have problems in real life, and he or she trying to avoid these, hiding on the internet, where he or she can have friends who support him and trying to help.
    • And, when parents limit their children in using the internet, they can do something wrong and only hurt them.

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