
текст з - English

  • Food Cooked at Home vs. Food Cooked in a Restaurant

  • There are many differences and similarities between the food cooked at home and the food cooked in a restaurant.
  • The first difference between the food cooked at home and the food cooked in a restaurant is the food cooked at home is cleaner than the food cooked in a restaurant.
  • The second difference is that the food cooked at home is tastier and fresher than the food cooked in a restaurant.
  • Third, the food cooked in a restaurant is more expensive than the food cooked at home.
  • For example, a burger in a restaurant it costs 35 SAR, but at house it costs 10 SAR or less.
  • The last difference is that you know who cooks in your home and you trust them, but in a restaurant, you do not know who is cooking .
  • The first similarities are both of them are food we can eat it.
  • Second, the food place is similar (like table and chair ).
  • Finally, you can see your family, and your friends when you eat at your home or in a restaurant.
  • To some up, the food cooked at home and the food cooked in a resturant have several differencess and similarities .

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