
Text from Marinachen - English

    • about gadgets in our world

    • In our time too many people use gadgets.
    • They stay more needed and indispensable, especially in our time.
  • We can speak even while being at the other end of Earth.
    • A letter come for two second, however they came 10 and more day at the past.
    • And this progress humanity made for last 25 year.
    • But in my opinion, gadgets have negative influence on human’s health expect great benefit.
    • Firstly, if you often play in your smartphone, you will have worse vision.
  • And if you seat with hunched back, it have a pain and will like in 100 grannies.
  • Also in my view, ones imperfection is information which people post on Internet.
  • We can easy manipulate people and affect their consciousness with information`s help.
  • Another major drawback is that not everyone can afford to buy a modern phone or computer.
  • Unfortunately, they are expensive.
    • Although, as I said before, in our situation, we can’t do without phones, computers and other equipment.
    • During the pandemic, quarantine was introduced, and with it online learning, so we can’t do without a phone and a computer, because that remains the only connection with the teacher.
    • So, we can conclude that despite the negative side of technology, it is dominated by the positive side.
  • But today, gadgets are an integral part of our lives.