johnaskからのテキスト - English

  • Dialogue

    • Lise, Thithaonhi/ Thitha/ Nhi, Rafaël are name.
  • ORAL English: Lise: Hello, Rafael, how are you?
  • Rafaël: Hello Lise, fine and you?
    • Lise: Fine Thank you!
  • Rafaël: Oh Lise look here thi thao nhi!
  • Lise: Hello thi thao nhi are you okay?
    • Nhi: Not very well I have trouble breathing!
  • Rafaël: Oh why? what’s wrong with you?
    • Nhi: The cigarette destroys my lungs!
  • Lise: But why don’t you stop?
    • Nhi: It’s too hard I can’t!
    • Rafaël: You know thitha, to quit smoking you have to know how to find out what things stress you! Nhi: Oh!
    • I stress a lot especially at home with my children!
    • Rafaël: But thitha, do you know that there are yoga sessions to relieve stress and relax?
  • Nhi: Oh no I didn’t know!
    • Rafaël: You have to relax and do not stress or it will push you to smoke!
  • Nhi: Yes you are right Rafaël but I want to smoke even when I am alone and calm!
    • Rafaël: Yes thitha that is due to nicotine, when you smoke nicotine makes you an addict!
    • Nhi: Ah okay I didn’t know!
    • Lise: And you know that today, there are plenty of treatments to stop smoking like patches!
    • Nhi: The patches?
    • I did not know, explain everything Lise!
  • Lise: The patches give you enough nicotine to help you stop!
  • Even if it’s not as effective as smoking, it helps you reduce smoking.
  • Nhi: Oh thank you so much, Lise, I don’t know if I’d have the strength to stop..
  • Rafaël: Thitha, I advise you to make a list of the benefits of quitting smoking! Nhi: Oh yes? Which ones?
  • Rafaël: First, you can increase your life expectancy!
    • Lise: Your children will not suffer from passive smoking!
  • Rafaël: You can save money to go on vacation with your family.
  • Nhi: Oh yeah okay that’s great!
  • Lise: Thitha, do you know that for most smokers, their parents were also smokers?
    • Nhi: Oh my God I’m gonna stop, I don’t want my kids smoking!
  • Rafaël: Then you know what you have to do!
  • Nhi: Thank you guys!
  • Lise: You’re welcome!
  • Rafaël: with pleasure!

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English