טקסט של - English

  • Tips for learning English. Part 1

  • Tips for learning English: There are a lot of ways for learning new languages.
  • Based on researches 80 % of the learning is motivation and the other 20 % is just the tools and the methods and the books you are using. Why?
  • It’s so simple, if you are not excited and passionate about the learning process, you cannot do it.
  • You will just relinquish your dream of learning it.
  • Here I want share with you some tips to improve your English or any language you are studying it as a second language.
  • You can say an incantation to stay positive while you’re learning in the whole process.
  • For example every day when you get up you can say “I am great English speaker” or “every day I’m getting better and better”.
  • There are two big rules; if you understand them you’ll improve a lot.
  • 1) If you want to speak you have got to listen.
  • Ps: the more you do them the more you will improve.
  • Things you should do: 1) Listening: listening definitely is one of the most keys for improving your speaking.
  • If you agree with me then we can go to the next step, how you are going to do it, well that’s a good question.
  • You have to listen every day at least 1 hour every day, two hours are better and so on, remember the more you listen the more you’ll naturally speak.
  • But what should I listen to?
  • Listen to stuff you enjoy more, and especially to things that you can understand them well, because if you sit in front of TV all the day watching movies or news and you don’t understand, you’ll not learn a lot.
  • 2) Reading: Recent studies showed that reading is so powerful.
  • You’ll improve your grammar naturally, and your spelling a, you’ll improve also your writing skills.
  • What I meant by reading is reading for pleasure, reading for fun, like story books, and if you find novels would be great.
  • But how can you know you’re learning from reading? well if you are reading books and you understand 95% or 98% that’s good,

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English