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    • Medicali career

    • Medical practice is the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment of illness, including pharmaceuticals, psychotherapy, surgery and prevention of disease.
  • Universities aim to equip medical students with the skills required to become practitioners.
    • As students, and later in their careers, they’ll be having a direct impact on people’s lives.
  • If a doctor is a conscientious person, a career in medicine will certainly satisfy his sense of duty.
  • Most doctors will cite this as being a major reason for choosing a career in medicine.
    • Infact they spend most of their time on placements in teaching campus hospitals that give them the opportunity to interact with patients.
    • Obviusly, to apply for a Medicine degree, applicants have to pass specialist admissions tests whether students have the appropriate mental ability, attitude and professionalism needed to succeed as a doctor.
    • Why tests are so important?
    • Because they helps universities make informed choices and differentiates between highly-qualified applicants.

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